Sunday, August 24, 2008

DNC Police Know What Time it Is!

This afternoon, I was biking around downtown Denver watching the various protests and excitement surrounding the DNC. I happened across a massive group of protesters who were blocking traffic and access to the light rail. Unfortunately, the police on the scene didn't take too kindly to that...

The cops (decked out in riot gear) were surprisingly efficient and quickly surrounded the protesters, blocking off both ends of the street. Then they started moving in from both ends to disperse the crowd. There were definitely some very intense moments, with tear gas guns and billy clubs at the ready, but all was resolved peacefully.

The above video was a moment of comedy amongst all the tension... :) If you watch it and don't get what everyone is cheering and laughing about a minute in, click HERE.

Here's the denver post's coverage of the event:

Downtown Blockade

1 comment:

Mike said...

I'm all for enjoying myself and think that marijuana should be legalized and all that... but seriously people, come on. No one is going to take your seriously if all you ever do is scream "WOOOOOOOOH!" everytime someone mentions the words "four twenty". Let's class it up a bit, huh?